Monday, February 19, 2007

Emotions: Destiny defining force

Hmmmm……….What a strange title huh?

I noticed a strange trend lately; I was becoming overly dependent on my emotions (I was defining my circumstances on how I felt and how people affected me) and discovered that it was also defining my choices and sense of direction. Why?!!! I yelled at myself, why am I allowing common fluctuating emotions (subject to varying levels of hormones and neurotransmitters in the body) control my destiny? I decided to take an inventory of my activities and accomplishments and I realized that I was doing wrong to myself by waiting around to be triggered or set into motion by my emotions. Maybe I can paint the picture vividly with this illustration; a Barbie can only be set into motion to talk, walk or dance when a girl winds the doll at its back. It is a great injustice to allow simple biochemical substances run the show of our lives and cause a hindrance and limit us from accomplishing every good work God has ordained for us. Without wasting any more time, I find myself tying it back to our manifestation, for how can we truly manifest the fullness of our God in us if we allow ourselves to be controlled or enslaved by hormonal changes in our bodies? God has given us absolute dominion in this life and as sons (we are no longer children that require some assistance to walk, sit, talk and eat) we are expected to walk in this consciousness and exercise absolute dominion over all things including our emotions. Emotions should be servants, useful in their own rights to facilitate some situations and not be masters that take over the driving seat of our life’s vehicles. It is our responsibility as sons to master our emotions by instructing our minds to conform to the longings of the Holy Spirit and not to be carnally driven. Remember we have a mandate; we are to manifest God’s glory in our lives. The whole creation is waiting for YOU………awaiting the great unveiling of YOU. You are great and creation needs you to be fulfilled.

Walk in your dominion, please let me just emphasise that this dominion should not be exercised over fellow people but instead over the works of the devil. As sons, we are God’s husbandry (farm, garden, field…..), we cannot remain fallow. If seeds are not sown, weeds will sprout and destroy us. We need to allow God to sow His word of life in us so that we can produce good fruits of righteousness. I have come to realize that the ministry of the word of God and prayer cannot be overly emphasized to convert this potential into true greatness.

Arise and shine!!!! This is a calling from the spirit, let us walk in it.


Unknown said...

Emotions ...
They either work for or against us. Funmi you've rightly said emotions should be servants and not masters. However, many of us have become used to being controlled by our emotions so much that we don't even know it and it feels perfectly normal. David's worked for him when he defeated Goliath. However, Lot's wife's emotions worked against her and she became salt. May the spirit help us allow our emotions to work for us and to glorify God.
Thanks a lot for this article.

FunMe said...

Yeah! You are absolutely right. Emotions if not checked can destroy a person's destiny.

Thank God for the spirit of self control that helps to check our emotions and put our bodies under.

Thanks for your comments