Monday, February 26, 2007

True Wisdom

............So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom Ps 90:12. I've been pondering over this scripture for sometime.
Yes, it's my birthday and rather than planning an exciting outing with my friends since it's a Saturday, I'm dwelling more on my God given assignment and purpose and screaming the question; "where are the divine accomplishments and achievements?"

Time has been given to every man in equal measure, but it requires an understanding of time dynamics and discipline to these dynamics to accomplish life's goals. Time is given as a blank cheque to every man to trade with and to produce fruits that should LAST, it is considered ordinary until it starts to deplete and you realize how precious it is. You then understand that the one thing dead people don't have is time; guess what? Their time was up or they ran out of time!!!!!!

My pastor made reference to an interesting illustration about time concept this Sunday; imagine you have just been assigned on a project which ensures a constant inflow of funds on a daily basis with the following terms and conditions.

For the duration of the project:
  • Your bank account will be credited with 86, 400 pounds every morning
  • Your account balance will be zero at the end of each day i.e. whatever is left in the account at end of day will be written off; no balance will be brought forward to the next day
  • You must spend the money everyday, it cannot be saved
  • Auditors may at any given point in time (and without notice) audit the account

A careful review of the terms and conditions will cause you to thoroughly plan your strategy for spending on a daily basis to ensure that the funds are optimally utilized and ensure that you are not wasting the resources provided to you. In the same manner, there are 86, 400 seconds per day, so each individual is credited 86, 400 seconds per day to trade with and produce fruits that will LAST. We are expected to spend our time wisely; .....redeeming the times......, saving time in order to accomplish our God-given purpose within the appointed time set for us. We are expected to constantly walk in the consciousness that we will be requested by God to account for the time we spent on earth.

Again looking closely at my text ............So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom Ps 90:12, I'd like to share my insight on gaining a heart of wisdom. It can implied that when we have learnt how to redeem our time i.e. lean on God to assist us in optimally utilizing the time set for us, then we will be wise. Wisdom is the principal thing!!! Once you get wisdom, you've got the winning principles of life and earned yourself a success recipe. I'm glad I have discovered a friend in you. I pray that you will continue to apply your heart to wisdom.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Emotions: Destiny defining force

Hmmmm……….What a strange title huh?

I noticed a strange trend lately; I was becoming overly dependent on my emotions (I was defining my circumstances on how I felt and how people affected me) and discovered that it was also defining my choices and sense of direction. Why?!!! I yelled at myself, why am I allowing common fluctuating emotions (subject to varying levels of hormones and neurotransmitters in the body) control my destiny? I decided to take an inventory of my activities and accomplishments and I realized that I was doing wrong to myself by waiting around to be triggered or set into motion by my emotions. Maybe I can paint the picture vividly with this illustration; a Barbie can only be set into motion to talk, walk or dance when a girl winds the doll at its back. It is a great injustice to allow simple biochemical substances run the show of our lives and cause a hindrance and limit us from accomplishing every good work God has ordained for us. Without wasting any more time, I find myself tying it back to our manifestation, for how can we truly manifest the fullness of our God in us if we allow ourselves to be controlled or enslaved by hormonal changes in our bodies? God has given us absolute dominion in this life and as sons (we are no longer children that require some assistance to walk, sit, talk and eat) we are expected to walk in this consciousness and exercise absolute dominion over all things including our emotions. Emotions should be servants, useful in their own rights to facilitate some situations and not be masters that take over the driving seat of our life’s vehicles. It is our responsibility as sons to master our emotions by instructing our minds to conform to the longings of the Holy Spirit and not to be carnally driven. Remember we have a mandate; we are to manifest God’s glory in our lives. The whole creation is waiting for YOU………awaiting the great unveiling of YOU. You are great and creation needs you to be fulfilled.

Walk in your dominion, please let me just emphasise that this dominion should not be exercised over fellow people but instead over the works of the devil. As sons, we are God’s husbandry (farm, garden, field…..), we cannot remain fallow. If seeds are not sown, weeds will sprout and destroy us. We need to allow God to sow His word of life in us so that we can produce good fruits of righteousness. I have come to realize that the ministry of the word of God and prayer cannot be overly emphasized to convert this potential into true greatness.

Arise and shine!!!! This is a calling from the spirit, let us walk in it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Power to do Exploits

Dear friend,

When was the last time you dreamt of your future without limitations or distractions from your heavily routin-e-ised, organized and myopic life? I know you probably used to dream of how you are going to affect humanity and impact your generation at some point in life, but seriously when did you do that last?

It is abnormal for a man (man or woman, boy or girl) not to dream or have aspirations or have aspirations of becoming someone else (i.e. copying somebody). We were not created by God to just live the life as it comes, we have been created by God to create, invent, other words, we have been created to think BIG , dream BIG and to do BIG. Is there a remedy to this abnormality? I ask myself.

Why are we comfortable with copying and replicating others? Why is the world loosing taste and colour? Why are all the women striving to look like the MTV female stars? Why is everything being so boring? Where is the place of dynamism and inventions? Must you follow the majority? Hmmmm........., the majority is NOT alwaysRIGHT! Do you ever think about this? Imagine the painful shock of the people who ran (aligned with the majority) to the deadly carnal during the Lagos bomb blast crisis. They were running in fear of the uncertain and ran to meet their deaths. Though painful and sad, this is what we do.

God has created man with a WILL (which by the way, is God's free gift to man that He will not touch) and we are meant to exercise it to accomplish things, particularly as sons of God, we are expected to have our will aligned to God's intent and purpose so as to manifest the fullness of God here on earth and do exploits that will positively impact our generation. I believe this generation and generations to come need a change and it can only start with YOU as an individual, then it will spread to a cluster of people, next a community, then a city and a state, the nations and ultimately the whole world.

You know the likes of Martin Luther, Mother Theresa, and Nelson Mandela did not become what they are by copying others and limiting their creative juices, they identified a need and determined to meet that need for humanity sake.I shall dream and dream some more!!!!!! I will practice with my mind and focus on things that are true, honest, just, pure and lovely and things that are of good report.

Moreover, I have the mind of Christ; full of limitless ideas and innovations, I shall do exploits mighty on the face of the earth, I shall stand before kings, ...........really my motivation is that I have the spirit of love, power and SOUND MIND. I am unique and the one thing I can do without paying a price is dreaming, nobody will kill me for dreaming. Hmm, sure they may criticize me for my wild imaginations, but at least my imagination is at work.

Dear friend, there is no limit to the power of imagination, if only you can see it, it will surely come to pass, so dreammmmm.................................

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Identity Crisis

Dear Friend,

It’s interesting to know that God will never give up on you no matter what. I’ve been priviledged to hear the same message through my pastor and friends; your life is precious to God, you are a wonderful person, your life and giftings will not be wasted.

The truth is this…….God ain’t gonna let go, He’s invested so much in YOU!!!!! You are not an abandoned project; God is just ensuring that everything works out for your good because He has called you into fellowship with His son Jesus Christ our Lord. He is only setting your feet on the path to destiny and securing your eternity and guess what? He is faithful to bring it to pass.

Today, we live in a society and a world where there is little occurrence (and in most cases no such occurrences) of the physical persecution suffered by the early apostles such as being thrown in a pot of hot boiling oil, beheaded, cut into pieces, etc. The apostles were challenged with persecutions that attacked their physical beings and immediately eliminated them from the earth.

Contrary to the opinions of many, I dare to state that we are currently facing more persecutions than any of the early apostles. Today, the persecutions we face directly attack the foundations of our faith, our Christian virtues and values and the very essence of God. The persecutions do not even attempt to physically eliminate us from the earth, but rather aim at destroying what makes us Christians and change us to conform to the dictates of the society such as homosexuality, abortion, drugs, cultism, transgender, fornication, corruption, violence, cheating, masturbation, etc.

Today’s Christian is daily challenged with the loss of his identity (an identity crisis) and the death of his soul by gradually compromising God’s standards and making a mockery of the very principles that sustain his growth. The persecutions today seek to erode your identity in Christ Jesus (which is the only identity you have, once you have died to self and taken up the nature of Christ). Once this occurs, the Christian losses his purpose and just exists for existence sake but he is spiritually dead and has fallen from the position of grace. This can be likened to a lion grazing in the fields with sheep. It’s an abnormality for a lion (carnivore and king of the animal kingdom) to eat grass (lack understanding of his nature and feed on grass like herbivore) and fellowship with ordinary animals (sheep). This is most disheartening but sadly this is the persecution we are facing in this era.

The fact that we live in a relatively free society, where we can have liberty to do anything should enhance our resolute to live for God but this does not hold true for many who have gone astray.

I strongly believe that we are equipped to overcome these challenges; we need to consistently tap into God’s grace and inner strength from Christ Jesus to become true overcomers and glorious victors in Christ.

God will sustain you by the power of his love for you till the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.