Monday, April 23, 2007

The Power of Focus

Dear Friend,

Guess you are wondering, ’what happened?’…….I’ve been awfully quiet for sometime and I’ll explain some things to you.

Lately I’ve been quite childish in dealing with certain matters that came my way and preoccupied my thoughts, these matters affected my attitude and disposition to people, circumstance and life in general. I noticed I became so distracted I was literally gasping for air to sustain my life………… hasn’t been a stroll in the park my dear friend.

I found myself questioning everything I had been mediating and pondering upon and I became scarred because I was drifting away into the sea of unbelief, despair, confusion and distraction…..infact all the negative thoughts you can think about.

My grip on the truth became loose and I felt I was going to go over the edge of the cliff. Life can pose certain challenges to us at times that make us wonder why? How come God has tied our successes and victories to overcoming unpleasant circumstances or temptations………Must success be tied to tests, trails and hard work? Must a champion have to win a competition before being declared a WINNER? Must there be darkness before dawn? Must there be washing, scrubbing and subjection to heat before a meal can be ready? Must there always be a process for an outcome? The answer to all these questions is YES!!! There will always be a sweet story at the end of a long, well endured, confusion stricken and emotionally drained life process.

I figured that a common denominator in all life’s processes that determines the life’s outcome – success or failure is FOCUS! With this intro, lemme give an illustration; A light source that possesses scattered light rays can’t be really effective can it? or better still, driving at night can be pretty frustrating when your headlamps are not focused or the light rays are not sharp….you’ll have to intercede for your car and your life all the way to your final destination.

A life without a focus is very very fustrating…….consider career, relationships, education, etc….Even a nation without a focus is bad; I know you think I’m going to zero in on Nigeria but we are focused on crude oil which is still a PLUS for us, at least there is small element of focus however myopic. (I’ll have to dwell a little more on Nigeria some other time)

There is no strong punch coming from a man without a target or focus, he just throws his fists aimlessly and becomes exceedingly tired with little or no accomplishments at the end of the day. If care is not taken, we will find ourselves in a maze of so many things with nothing in particular……..this is not a very productive life.

The bible says that we should look unto / focus on Jesus the author and the finisher of our FAITH……now that’s a good start. Jesus was a very focus and highly principled man, he was so focused that he did not utter his own words but the words from the Father, the power of focus also made him live a purposeful life……there was a purpose for everything in his life. He didn’t just go through the motions, he had a solid mandate and he carried it out till the very end.

We have been called to walk in His way and follow after his example……remember you are the light of the world; Your light rays must be pure and not scattered to illuminate your environment and impact your generation positively. Follow after the word which is light (……the lamp unto my path and the light unto my path), seek after the communion of the Holy Spirit…….for within is the peace of God which passeth all human understanding and will guide your hearts and mind ensuring that you live a life of focus – productive and effective…..