Monday, January 15, 2007

Your Unique Role

Dear Friend,

Once again I found myself wondering about the magnitude of what is expected of me (and other born again Christians) and it’s been burning in my heart for a while. This Sunday I heard my pastor saying that the year 2007 is a year of manifestation. Wow! many will just jump at this prophetic utterance without pondering a little bit about the role they will have to play to see this manifestation. This is a very serious calling from the Spirit; I feel a need to start manifesting the very essence of my being but it calls for discipline, diligence and determination.

I was listening to a musician’s lyrics this morning on my way to the office; the guy was saying that when he comes again to this earth, that he will become a prayer warrior and a born again Christian. I was shocked that he didn’t want to be a born again Christian and prayer warrior right now. I think this is the appropriate time to address this issue just in case someone feels the same way. The bible says ‘it is appointed for a man to die only once then face judgment’. Each person has one life to live on this earth and then die to face judgment'. I still haven’t truly gotten past the fact that my aunt was called back home without my full interaction with her, I’m happy she did exploits for God and showed the true love of God to mankind, but I grieve because I didn’t make the most of the time with her. I truly miss her but she has passed the baton to us and the race still needs to be won, we must run and ensure that we win this important (and only) race.

This life is a very serious life indeed and it is best to thrive to receive the spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of HIM who has called us out of darkness into HIS marvelous light. With the acquisition of the Spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Christ then we can truly do exploits and manifest the greatness that is in us for the good of mankind.

If we are uncertain about what God expects of us, we need to study the scriptures particularly the New Testament books. However, we need to ceaselessly seek God’s face through fasting and prayers to know the unique purpose of God for each of our lives. I’m still going through the process with full anticipation that he will hear and answer me.

Dear friend, the Christian race is a process with a definite outcome, we need the oil of grace to sustain this process and function effectively in this world as true disciples of Jesus Christ in order to boldly do the things he has called us to do.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Do You Ever Wonder?

Dear friend,

Have you ever wondered why our life is eternal? Why can’t life end when a person dies? Why did God create us differently? The lesser beings (goats, chicken, cows, cats and dogs) have nothing to look forward to and their lives end here after death.

It puzzles me that that there is life after death for us and it intrigues me that eternal life never dims, it is ever so real (more real than this present life) and it is FOREVER. Wow! It blows my mind off and the frightening bit is the fact that there are only two options where the eternal life would be spent after death.

  • Hell
  • Heaven

Why must the life we choose and consequences that follow, lead us to either hell or heaven? I sometimes wish there was a third option ‘to be wiped off eternity after death’. Then life would just end here after death and not continue into eternity. Hmmm………., but I’m not so sure I would like the third option of being wiped out of eternity completely.

Searching deep within me, I know there is a higher calling than to pursue a career, get RICH and famous, marry and have children. Is that ALL, I mean is that ALL there is to life? It all seems shallow and fickle; I wonder this cannot be what God intended when he created us – just to be on the earth and live life? Can this really be God’s plan?

Imagine the world completely at peace with God, where there are no criminals, no murderers, just Godly beings that God originally created. Would there be a need for outreaches, missions, NGOs, prisons, etc? The answer is No. The question is, why did God create us?

Really consider and ponder if all was WELL and we remained in the Garden of Eden, would there be a need for economic transformations and development of political strategies that create the need for investment bankers, economic strategists, presidents and heads of states? I doubt it. The question still remains, why were we created by God?

Just stop to think!!!!!

I’ve been told several times, that the God’s purpose for creating us was to have fellowship, communion, relationship, interaction with us. I’m still trying to discover that for myself and I believe it. What do you believe?

Infact who do you believe? Why can’t God descend and let everyone know who to believe so that there are no excuses? He made us free willed, so we can choose for ourselves. Have you ever wondered why an original product always has a counterfeit? Have you stopped to realise that there is no good thing without a bad thing? Why is it that the original use of a product is completely abandoned to explore a different use/perverse use for the same product?

Believe it, the faith walk is not easy, it is not a stroll in the park and it’s certainly not a bed of roses to die to self (natural human cravings). This journey is long and it has to be endured unfortunately, but if we continue on this path, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel and a loud rejoicing of celestial beings ushering us into the glory the father has prepared for us.

All of a sudden, I’m encouraged to forge ahead and endure it all, even if it is to catch a glimpse of this brightness. God please help me to completely trust in your word and teach me to obey you every step of the way.

I’m not really sure why I wrote this, I guess I’m just overwhelmed by the trust God has in the human race and the tremendous expectations that it humbles me to ponder ‘what I’m I living for?

I’ve resolved to live the life of faith (God’s grace will carry me through). I know the life of faith is very challenging and MANY MANY times could be unpleasant, but if we trust God to do a quick work of salvation in us, it will be WELL.

I believe it will bless you. After all, life is too short, make it count!!! Take a few minutes to ponder on this………………